Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Evaluate Unilever's financial strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Evaluate Unilever's financial strategy - Essay Example Then the sources of Finance is analysed using Modigliani-Miller Theorem and it reveals that the debt to equity position of the organization is good and has significant impact on its market value. However, the cash position of the company is not stable and requires attention from the management. The Dividend policy of the organization is healthy and looks at wealth maximization of the shareholders. The managers are concerned about the dividend return and regularly review the dividend policies. Moreover, the economic condition is quite unstable and a sluggish growth is expected. In this regards it is recommended that the organization should give attention towards their cash position and should enhance other activities through which their profitability can be enhanced. The organization is also suggested to maintain healthy debt equity ratio, having higher debt may negatively impact their firm value. Introduction The Unilever Group started their operations in 1885 but was not established until 1930 when the business actually joined forces to create the well established business prior to the start of 20th century. The corporate vision of the organization aims towards helping the people in order to look and feel good and get more out of their life. The organization aims to create a sustainable living place and a better future through their services and brands (Unilever, 2013a). The first priority for the organization is their consumers and then comes the employees, communities and the suppliers. The organization aims to fulfil their responsibilities by serving their customers and make their shareholders eventually rewarded. Financial strategy plays a major role in the sustainability of an organization. Financial strategy is a portfolio that includes corporate strategic plans that involves financing decision and optimum investment that helps in attaining the specified objectives. It is an area of managerial policies that determines the financial and investment decisio ns, which in turn leads to the wealth maximization of the shareholders (Hill, 2009). This paper focuses on the financial strategy of the organization and provides recommendation on the basis of that. Corporate Life Cycle The Corporate life cycle can be segregated into four stages through which an organization passes. The four stages are introduction, growth, matured and decline. The introduction stage is the point where the organization first places its product and services in the market for the customers. In this stage it starts capturing the market share. The next stage is the growth stage in which the organization with the best quality product or service is at the top of the competition. The sales increases and the organization spend money in building the brand. The demands of the consumers are at the highest point. The third stage is maturity where the organization has maximised their profit and is operating at a stable place in the market. Here the organization decides whether to withdraw their product or services from the market or to bring some innovation in them such that they remain in the market. The main focus is on the sustainability of the business. The last stage is the decline stage. At this stage the organization has already introduced their new products or next generation product. The

Monday, October 28, 2019

Analytical Examination Essay Example for Free

Analytical Examination Essay This paper will analyze about the RA 10354 also called Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012. This essay will present a short history of the law here in the Philippines until it become enacted and implemented. This will discuss the major provisions of the law together with its important contents ranging from health care to contraception. This will also discuss the issues that are connected to this law while it was a bill such as maternal death, early pregnancy, premarital sex, poverty and population and reproductive health education. Issues concerned with legislation of the bill such as the necessity and morality of the bill and its contents like contraception and reproductive health education will be especially presented. Other news which may have affected the support for the bill will be also presented and analyzed. This will also present the major groups that approve or oppose the said law together with their reasons why they want or are against the said law. This will also talk about the actions those groups have taken for or against the law which may have affected the support for the bill’s implementation. This is also concerned with the voices of certain world organizations such as UNESCO and WHO on reproductive health education and the stand of the Church on the matter about contraception, self-continence and marriage. This will be concerned about their statement about the matter and the doctrines and values they adhere with. Summary Since its first proposition on 1988, the Reproductive Health Bill experienced many debates if it was really needed here in the Philippines. The proposition was changed and improved by a number of proponents many times but was mostly neglected. Then, a similar bill was also introduced in the first regular session of the 14th Congress by Albay Rep. Edcel C. Lagman, Jannette L. Garin, Narciso D. Santiago III, Mark Llandro Mendoza, Ana Theresia Hontiveros-Baraquel and Elandro Jesus F. Madrona that was known as House Bill 5043. Like that of the former bills, it was also disposed but its proponents never stop to improve, change and remove some parts of the former bill to create a new one. Many times Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman and its principal authors would edit the bill until the Reproductive Bill of 2012 was formed. Senator Pia Cayetano was also a principal sponsor of such bill. Upon December 19, 2012, the Senate enacted the bill and on December 21, 2012, four days before Christmas His Presidency, Benigno Aquino III signed the bill and was to be implemented fifteen days after its official publication. The law was known as RA 10354 or Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012. Its major provisions are to promote and have access to reproductive health care and methods that are legal and safe, to promote family planning methods and responsible parenthood, to counsel women who committed abortion in a humane way, to mandate reproductive health education in age appropriateness to students, to supply and maintain reproductive health services to all, to protect reproductive health rights and to penalize those who restricts or prohibits the access to reproductive health care and methods stated in this law. The law mandates the hire of skilled health professionals for maternal health care and birth attendance, seen in Sec. 5. It also promotes the upgrade of health care facilities for obstetric and newborn care as stated in Sec. 6 and to access for family planning methods especially to the poor and marginalized couple and to sexually active minors as said in Sec. 7. The law also states that â€Å"hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine devices, injectables and other safe, legal, non-abortifacient and effective family planning products and supplies†(RA 10354, Sec. 9) should be treated in the Essential Drugs List after subjection to reputable medical associations. It also mandates the procurement and distributions of family-planning supplies and age appropriate reproductive health education, stated in Sec. 10 and 14 respectively. And lastly, to condemn any who shall prohibit the access to health care and family-planning supplies. Since its first introduction by Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman, this law had reaped many opposition and approval before being enacted. The pro-woman groups fought for saving the lives of woman from maternal death on the other hand the Church and other pro-life groups fought for dignity of the unborn and the sanctity of marriage. The senate itself was divided for selecting to if they will oppose or approve the bill. The Former President and Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was known to opposed the bill and be backed upon by the Church meanwhile President Benigno Aquino III shown agreement towards the bill and expected its implementation. The pronouncement of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to condoms also became news if the Church was open to contraception. This gave new hope for Edcel Lagman from acceptance of the Church but Paranaque Rep. Roilo Golez explained that the Pope talks about health, that preventing HIV from spreading is showing compassion but the Pope doesn’t said to use condoms to prevent pregnancy. Issues also attract the said bill. First, is about the legislation of the bill, if it was really relevant here in the country with regards to overpopulation, Availability/Provisions for RH information and healthcare for mothers and children. Another issue is if the RH Bill is moral, if the Church must interfere with the State and if the government is willing to give funds to the bill. Third, is about the consequence of a widespread of contraceptives with regards to health and sexual behavior. The last is concerned in the need of sex education in the country. The CBCP together with the national Church felt that it was time to educate again its faithful and made efforts on counteracting the bill. The Church turned offering masses, praying for the enlightenment of congressmen and women and explained that principles of the bill undermine the sanctity of life and marriage. They stated that overpopulation was not the problem but corruption and the unequal distribution of people. They seek to get online, and used CBCP for Life for addressing the matter and let the Simbang Gabi 2012 be used for educating the faithful. They also made catechisms with themes regarding the RH. Meanwhile, pro-woman and pro-RH group also organize plans for the bill. They have tied violet ribbons on their arm signifying their fight against HIV-AIDS. Informed people about gender inequality, maternal deaths, teenage pregnancy and HIV-AIDS and that the bill would help minimize or eliminate such problems. UNESCO and WHO also promotes the education of youths regarding reproductive health. They state that benefits such as a delay in sexual initiation; reduction of unwanted pregnancies, child abuse and abortion; and a slower spread of HIV could be obtained. It can also induce progress to gender equity, social participation and partnership. It prepares the youths for responsibility as adults, emphasizes health promotion and can improve relevance in education systems. Meanwhile, the Catholic Church holds its deposit of faith centered on Divine Love and Unity in Marriage. Its Catechism says that Marriage is by which a man and a woman establish intimate communion for life which is ordered for the good of the spouse and the procreation and education of children,(1660, Catechism of the Catholic Church). It also states that the total reciprocal self-giving is overlaid through contraception for it is a refusal for the total giving of self through taking away openness to life,( 2370,Catechism of the Catholic Church). It states that even intercourse with a legitimate wife but taking away the power to generate life is contrary to God’s will and leaves guilt of a grave sin,(55-56, Casti Connubii). The Church also teaches the virtue of chastity, that the couple must exercise conjugal love and fidelity and that of safeguarding life form the moment of conception, (51, Gaudium et Spes). She teaches that Marriage can never justify sexual intercourse which is contraceptive which oppose to its true meaning and that artificial methods could lead to marital infidelity and lowering moral standards, reduction of woman as mere object of satisfaction and intervening of public authorities to the most personal and intimate responsibilities of couples, (14,17; Humanae Vitae). It also addresses the value of self-discipline to repel inordinate self-interests and to control the passions of the body,(21, Humanae Vitae). References Software Ecumenical Council of Vatican II. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Retrieved from CATECH01. exe Websites and Webpages Anonymous. (2012, December 21). Republic Act 10354. Retrieved from http://pcw. gov. ph/sites/default/files/documents/laws/republic_act_10354. pdf Burgonio, T. (2010, November 21). Pope’s pronouncement on condoms strengthens RH Bill – Lagman. Retrieved from http://newsinfo. inquirer. net/breakingnews/nation/view/20101121-304495/Popes-pronouncement-on-condoms-strengthens-RH-billLagman Dionisio, E. R. (2012, August 8). A Guide to Arguments for and against the Reproductive Health Bill. Retrieved from http://www. adnu. edu. ph/images/A%20Guide%20to%20Arguments %20For%20and%20Against%20the%20Reproductive%20Health%20Bill. pdf Ecumenical Council of Vatican II. Gaudium et Spes. Retrieved from http://www. vatican. va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_cons_19651207_gaudium-et-spes_en. html Paul VI. Humanae Vitae. Retrieved from http://www. vatican. va/holy_father/paul_vi/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-vi_enc_25071968_humanae-vitae_en. html Pius XI. Casti Connubii. Retrieved from http://www. vatican. va/holy_father/pius_xi/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xi_enc_31121930_casti-connubii_en. html Sun. star. Church RH Bill. Retrieved from http://www. sunstar. com. ph/davao/weekend/church-rh-bill Saclag, D. E. D. Group asks SC to lift suspension of RH Law. Retrieved from http://www. bworldonline. com/content. php? section=Nationtitle=Group-asks-SC-to-lift-suspension-of-RH-Lawid=71130 Unknown. (2012, August 14). Reproductive Health Bill, Good or Bad. Retrieved from http://behealthconsciousblog. wordpress. com/2012/08/14/reproductive-health-bill-good-or-bad/ Unknown. (2012, December 29). Republic Act 10354, Reproductive Health Act of 2012. Retrieved from http://filipinoscribe. com/2012/12/29/republic-act-10354-reproductive-health-act-of-2012/ Unknown. House Bill no. 5043, Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008. Retrieved from http://jlp-law. com/blog/full-text-of-house-bill-no-5043-reproductive-health-and-population-development-act-of-2008/ Villegas, B. M. et al. (2012, September 12) Handbook of Truths on RH Bill. Retrieved from http://cbcpforlife. com/? p=8859 Villegas, S. B. (2012, December 15). Contraception is Corruption, A Pastoral Letter on the Latest decision on the Rh Bill. Retrieved from http://cbcponline. net/v2/? p=6241 World Health Organization. Family Life, Reproductive Health and Population Education: Key Elements of a Health-Promoting School. Retrieved from http://hivaidsclearinghouse. unesco. org/search/resources/HIV%20AIDS%20231. pdf

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Pluto Essays -- essays research papers

In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was discovered in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the only planet to have been discovered by an American. All though we have known of the existence of Pluto for over thirty years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding this celestial body. Being the farthest planet has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to the obscurity of this strange planet is that the capability to send spacecraft such distances has never been achieved. Through the wonders of science and astronomy, there are many things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized about this obscure planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pluto’s discovery was actually a fortunate accident. Clyde Tombaugh was searching for a ninth planet to explain inconsistencies in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. Once further research was done regarding Pluto it was determined that the size of Pluto was too small to account for the irregularities of the orbits. Astronomers continued to search for a tenth planet, â€Å"Planet X.† The calculations that made scientists to believe this have since been proven incorrect by the Voyager 2. With the more accurate mass of Neptune that Voyager 2 was able to produce, the discrepancies of the orbit were explained. It is no longer believed that there is a tenth planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since it’s discovery, the legitimacy of Pluto as actually being a planet, has long been debated. The numerous irregularities found when studying Pluto, coupled with its miniscule size has made it the object of controversy. For a while it was believed that Pluto could have possibly been another moon of the planet Neptune. This was often believed due to similarities between Pluto and the Neptune moon Triton. Triton and Pluto have similar surface and atmospheric properties, both being of near equal temperatures. Many believe that Triton was also once independent from Neptune, and that Triton, like Pluto, came from the Kuiper Belt explaining such relations. Also, both Pluto and Triton have very unusual orbits which does lead some to believe that there is a cosmic connection between the two.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upon ruling out the possibility of Pluto being another moon of Neptune, Pluto was then classified by the International Astronomical Union ... ... it greatly differs from the Earth’s distance of 147.5 kilometers from the sun at perihelion. Astronomers can best study Pluto when it is at perihelion, unfortunately, it only happens once in its 248.8 year orbit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As we continue to extend out reach to the outer solar system, we are constantly learning more and more about Pluto. While the information that astronomers have is limited, every piece helps them to make further hypothesis about the planet. In just a short time Astronomers have been able to make great leaps gathering information to better understand Pluto. Hopefully, with continued space travel and research, we can continue to learn about the unusual planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sources †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  IAU press release from January 1999. â€Å"The status of Pluto: A clarification Pluto Essays -- essays research papers In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was discovered in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the only planet to have been discovered by an American. All though we have known of the existence of Pluto for over thirty years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding this celestial body. Being the farthest planet has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to the obscurity of this strange planet is that the capability to send spacecraft such distances has never been achieved. Through the wonders of science and astronomy, there are many things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized about this obscure planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pluto’s discovery was actually a fortunate accident. Clyde Tombaugh was searching for a ninth planet to explain inconsistencies in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. Once further research was done regarding Pluto it was determined that the size of Pluto was too small to account for the irregularities of the orbits. Astronomers continued to search for a tenth planet, â€Å"Planet X.† The calculations that made scientists to believe this have since been proven incorrect by the Voyager 2. With the more accurate mass of Neptune that Voyager 2 was able to produce, the discrepancies of the orbit were explained. It is no longer believed that there is a tenth planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since it’s discovery, the legitimacy of Pluto as actually being a planet, has long been debated. The numerous irregularities found when studying Pluto, coupled with its miniscule size has made it the object of controversy. For a while it was believed that Pluto could have possibly been another moon of the planet Neptune. This was often believed due to similarities between Pluto and the Neptune moon Triton. Triton and Pluto have similar surface and atmospheric properties, both being of near equal temperatures. Many believe that Triton was also once independent from Neptune, and that Triton, like Pluto, came from the Kuiper Belt explaining such relations. Also, both Pluto and Triton have very unusual orbits which does lead some to believe that there is a cosmic connection between the two.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upon ruling out the possibility of Pluto being another moon of Neptune, Pluto was then classified by the International Astronomical Union ... ... it greatly differs from the Earth’s distance of 147.5 kilometers from the sun at perihelion. Astronomers can best study Pluto when it is at perihelion, unfortunately, it only happens once in its 248.8 year orbit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As we continue to extend out reach to the outer solar system, we are constantly learning more and more about Pluto. While the information that astronomers have is limited, every piece helps them to make further hypothesis about the planet. In just a short time Astronomers have been able to make great leaps gathering information to better understand Pluto. Hopefully, with continued space travel and research, we can continue to learn about the unusual planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sources †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  IAU press release from January 1999. â€Å"The status of Pluto: A clarification

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Newspapers -- essays research papers

The front page of a newspaper provides a great deal of information on various subjects. Most newspapers include a weather forecast, an index or brief description of articles inside the paper, and a small sports scorecard to accompany the local and national news. Newspapers also concentrate on how to grab the attention of readers. They most commonly use a larger, darker type of print, mixture of color, and/or pictures on the front page of the paper. A newspaper’s job is to update people on the happenings around the world as well as in their own community. Community size often may influence or even dictate the findings on the front page of a newspaper. Normally the front page of a newspaper lets a person in on the findings throughout the remaining sections of the paper. A small index, or article description containing page numbers, usually shows a reader what the rest of paper contains. Accompanying this index, usually a forecast of the weather to come in the next few days manages to make it on the front page also. Some papers actually save the die-hard sports fans some time by having a miniature scoreboard recapping the scores of the day before. Remember that this doesn’t apply to all papers only to some. Newspapers constantly look for more readers and to help attract these readers many attempt to dress up their paper. While some papers remain basic and plain, others add color and size to font in a try to appeal to readers. Background color adds a little life to an otherwis...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hitler Was a Bad Leader

One of the most controversial topics in history is whether or not Hitler was a good leader; to this I say he wasn’t. During Hitler’s reign of power, more like reign of terror, he may have brought success to the world but none of it can undo his damage; none can ever compensate for the lives he took. Hitler was a terrible leader in that he manipulated the young, he was very hypocritical, and he caused the Jewish Holocaust. Hitler may have done more damage than good; however, he did know what he was doing. Hitler knew he needed supporters, and so he went to the people who would be the easiest to bring to his side.According to Hitler himself in his speech at Reichsparteitag in 1935, â€Å"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future! † Hitler’s manipulation of the youth succeeded into misleading an entire generation of idealistic German boys with the idea of racial and national superiority. Hitler strongly believed that any race or appearance different from what he claimed perfect, which was to be blonde with blue eyes, were to be destroyed. He used these â€Å"perfection† of people to become his base of support to help him carry out his barbaric attacks and later the holocaust.The young children did not know any better than to listen to their leader, so they acted without question, basically willingly helping him commit his sickening mass murder. The fact that he chose to manipulate younger children shows how pathetic he really was in that he wanted them because they were easier. Aside from his manipulating of innocent children to become his personal slaves, another reason he was a horrific leader was that he was a hypocrite. Hitler is most known for his act of murdering thousands of Jews because they were not blonde with blue eyes, but in reality, who is he to judge?Last time I checked, Hitler wasn’t even German but Austrian with black hair. This shows that he was an extremely racist man in that he attempted to take ou t an entire race because they were not his preferred ethnicity. This also shows that he was not fit to be a leader in that leaders are supposed to practice equality of all people, and are supposed to be of exemplary character. Seeing how he let his racist ways control him into committing such horrendous crimes just adds to how bad of a leader he really was.When someone first hears the name Hitler, there is usually a strong negative connotation that comes with it in that most people relate him directly to being the cause of the holocaust. The first reason he should never have been leader was that any person with such a sick and compulsive mind should never be in power. Already having such a fixed mindset, it should have been known that he would only do damage with his power. According to those around him, Hitler’s reasoning for the killing was that Jews were the cause of Germany’s problems.First of all, with no actual proof, it shows that Hitler acted on feeling instead of reason which obviously would only lead to downfalls. It also shows that he was a liar, and never should a country have such a ruler. Even if it is what he believed, it also shows he acted on impulse and simply what he believed instead of what was for the good of everyone. However, if he would still try to persuade people that he believed it really was for the good of all, it then just shows how he had the worst judgment and should not have been named ruler.Hitler was one of the worst rulers in our history because of his lack of good judgment and because of his wrong doings. Hitler gained support through the manipulation of innocent minds, which shows he was weak. He lived and spoke through hypocrisy, especially when he acted in killing thousands of Jews because of something they could not change. Hitler may have had some minimal success in adding to the world, but his injustices will forever shame him into being a horrible leader.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Facts About WW2

Facts About WW2 Free Online Research Papers I. The War Begins A. The Italian invasion of Ethiopia might be considered by some to be the starting point of WWII, but in the US perspective the war began in Asia. Even when the Germans re-occupied the Rhineland (territory given to France after WWI), Europe did not stir. In 1937, Japan launched a full-scale attack on China- attacking its 5 northern provinces. 1. This threatened US investments and other interests in the region as well as US access to several vital materials- especially rubber. 2. When President Roosevelt tried to rally public support for a US response (he proposed some kind of â€Å"quarantine† on Japan) his efforts fell flat- the public wanted nothing to do with it. 3. The depth of the US public commitment to isolation was revealed when, in December 1937, the Japanese bombed and sank a US gunboat (Panay) in broad daylight. The Japanese claimed it was an accident and the US public forgave them. B. Hitler began to make his move in 1938. In March, his forces swept into Austria and Hitler declared an â€Å"Anschluss†- Union with Austria. He then demanded that Czechoslovakia give him the Sudetenland- land on the German border that was occupied mainly by ethnic Germans. Czechoslovakia refused, but while it had a decent army, it was no match for the Germans without the support of others. Instead of offering support, Britain and France met with Hitler in Munich to discuss his demands. 1. This produced the famous â€Å"Munich Accords.† Britain and France agreed to support Hitler’s claims on the Sudetenland in return for a promise from Hitler that, â€Å"This is the last territorial claim I have to make in Europe.† 2. Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister, went home to a hero’s welcome for having prevented war. C. Despite his promise of Munich, Hitler seized the remainder of Czechoslovakia in early 1939 and started to threaten Poland. After signing a non-aggression pact with Stalin in August 1939, Hitler invaded Poland (September). D. Having formal alliances with Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany two days after the invasion of Poland. III. Global War A. Following his victory in Poland, Hitler took little action for several months. Many believed that he was finished and would be satisfied with the territory he had conquered. 1. In the US, Roosevelt tried to get the Congress to allow the sale of arms to England and France, but he got only partial victory. Congress permitted the sale of weapons, but continued to demand that it be on a cash and carry basis- England and France would have to pay for anything they bought with cash. Isolationism was still strong in the US. B. Then, starting in November, Hitler invaded the West- taking Finland, Denmark, Norway and Belgium en route to Paris. Joined by Italy, the Axis powers took France on June 22 1940. C. With Britain now facing Germany virtually alone, attitudes in the US began to change. There was still a huge movement against entering the war, but Congress did approve measures that allowed the administration to begin making preparations for war. 1. In September, 1940, Congress approved the first peace-time military draft in American history. 2. By December, 1940, Britain was virtually bankrupt, and the Congress abandoned it’s â€Å"cash and carry† policy, implementing the new â€Å"lend-lease† policy. It allowed the President to â€Å"lend† or â€Å"lease† armaments to any nation deemed vital to the interests of the US. 3. The US became, in Roosevelt’s words, â€Å"the arsenal of democracy.† 4. Still, the US did not enter the war, and satisfied with an air campaign designed to weaken the British in preparation for an eventual invasion, Hitler turned his attention east. He invaded Russia, in violation of their mutual non-aggression pact, in June 1941. 5. Roosevelt, convinced that US entry into the war in Europe was inevitable, met with Winston Churchill, the British leader, in August, 1941 a. Meeting aboard the USS Augusta, Churchill agreed that if the US entered the war, England would support US plans for the post-war order. This agreement, called the Atlantic Charter declared that the aims of the war were not to capture anyone’s territory, but simply to restore democracy and freedom of the seas, to establish a post war trading system which focused on free and open trade, to develop post-war international institutions that would provide some kind of international security, and which would demand the disarmament of belligerent states. b. Roosevelt knew that the American people would very likely resist entry into the war if these points were not agreed upon beforehand. D. In Asia, the crisis in Europe emboldened Japan, which proceeded to invade Southeast Asia- taking territories controlled by the French and British there. 1. Roosevelt was finally able to get Congress to respond to Japanese aggression in Asia, but Congress would approve only an economic response. The US imposed an embargo on the sale of oil and steel to Japan first. Following the Japanese invasion of Indochina, which threatened US rubber supplies, the US froze all Japanese assets in American banks. 2. The German invasion of Russia was particularly important, because it made a Japanese assault on the Russian Far East less urgent. The Japanese realized that the US economic stranglehold posed a more immediate threat and moved up plans to attack the US directly. The original Japanese war plan was designed to avoid a direct fight with the US, as Japan believed it could achieve its objectives by seizing most of the territory from Russian Siberia to Indonesia, which was rich in natural resources that Japan needed. E. The US gradually became more intimately involved in the British war effort as both American merchant ships and warships came to be used to ship arms and to protect others’ ships that were carrying arms. This led inevitably to numerous cases of German submarine attacks on American shipping. F. Still, the US public wanted to stay out of the war. They would remain opposed to US entry into WWII until the Japanese Attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. 1. Japan was desperate. Her oil reserves were very low and would have run out by the end of 1942. 2. Though the US was expecting some kind of attack, it was expected more in the Philippines than elsewhere. 3. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a complete surprise. It left the US Pacific Fleet crippled, killing 2,403 people, destroying 8 battleships and most the the Pearl Harbor aircraft fleet. 4. Nevertheless, the attack on Pearl Harbor was a failure for the Japanese. a. They were unable to destroy the US aircraft carrier battle groups, which had gone to sea days before. b. They failed to destroy the huge oil reserves at Pearl, which would have take months to restore. c. The attack unified the American people, who immediately shifted from an isolationist to a war footing. 5. On the day following the attack, the US declared war on Japan. Germany declared war on the US shortly after and the war had become genuinely global in scope. II. The course of the war. A. By mid-1940, England faced Germany alone. Instead of invading England immediately, Hitler decided to try to break down British defenses through an air campaign. The Battle of Britain was a long, sustained bombing campaign of England’s major cities. 1. Most historians now regard this as one of Hitler’s great mistakes. The bombing of London in particular united the British and strengthened their determination to fight to the last man. More important, it gave the British time to build up their own air force and to otherwise prepare for war. 2. A second major mistake of Hitler was his decision to invade Russia while the air campaign against England was still underway. The invasion of Russia in June, 1941, seemed to be an initial success- Stalin’s army was still unprepared and many of his Generals were inexperienced. a. However, as virtually every European invader from the past has learned, a successful invasion of Russia has to be completed before the bitterly cold Russian winter set in. Though Hitler moved quickly into Russia, taking huge chunks of territory as quickly as he had in Poland and France, he was not able to capture Moscow before the winter hit. b. Hitler’s army in Russia made another huge mistake- it treated conquered Russians with great brutality. This was a mistake because by most accounts, most Russians in Western Russia especially were not fond of life under Stalin. Had the Germans treated them well, they may have joined the German side. Instead, they became violently anti-German and conducted guerilla attacks on German forces throughout the war. B. Upon entering the war, the first US goals were to win the War of the Atlantic and to drive the Axis powers out of North Africa and back into Europe. 1. Some 400 Allied ships were lost on the Atlantic to German attack in 1942, and that number increased to 900 in 1943. However, as US ship production achieved full operation, the US and British began to turn the tide in 1943. C. Winning WWII in Europe 1. North Africa Campaign (Operation Torch) a. Axis were winning North Africa (threat to Middle East oil and Suez Canal) b. Erwin Rommels Afrika Korps sent c. Oct. 1942 Bernard Montgomery stopped advance at El Alamein turning point d. Nov. 1942 Dwight Eisenhower landed in Morocco and Algeria e. First action U.S. battered at Kasserine Pass f. May 13, 1943 surrendered at Tunis (Tunisia) 2. FDR and Churchill met for Casablanca Conference (Jan. 1943) a. Unconditional surrender of Axis called for. b. Plan invasion of Italy through Sicily c. Priority to win control of Atlantic 3. Battle of the Atlantic a. By 1942, 500 Allied ships lost to Germans, 900 lost in 1942 b. Sonar, depth charges, air patrols, radar c. Atlantic won by May, 1943 d. After summer, 1944, no Allied vessels lost 4. Sicily and Italy (Operation Huskey) a. July 10, 1943 250,000 Am. and Br. troops landed in Sicily b. July 25, Mussolinis govt fell he was imprisoned c. Sicily fell in 38 days! d. Italy agreed to surrender and switch sides! -Pietro Badoglio new Premier e. Battle of Italy became a bloodbath 5. While Battle of Italy going on, Allies met again to discuss strategy a. Conferences in Washington and Moscow b. Planned an invasion of Europe c. Nov 23 Big Three (FDR, Churchill, Stalin), or Grand Alliance met at Teheran, Iran -Stalin wanted relief -Feb 1943 Russians stopped German advance at Stalingrad d. By end of 1943, events favoring Allies -Bombing of Germany -By Spring, 1944, Allies control the air e. Planned invasion of Western Europe (Eisenhower put in charge of Operation Overlord) 6. Operation Overlord a. After France fell, Nazis fortified coast, weak spot was Normandy b. Allies amassed 3m troops, tons of equipment in S. England c. Prior to invasion, Allies sent 20,000 paratroopers to clear the beaches (five sites Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno, Sword) d. Feigned attack at Calais; Hitler fell for it! e. At dawn, June 6 (D-Day) Allied army hit the beaches at Normandy f. July 25, Allies broke out g. Aug. 15, second invasion force landed on the Med. side of France (Cannes) h. Aug 25, Paris liberated i. By Sept, Allies reached Germany (Siegfried Line); talk of being home for Christmas j. Germany launched V-1 and V-2 rockets at England k. By late fall, Allies slowed down 7. Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes Forest, near Belgium) a. Dec. 16, Germans lunched last counteroffensive b. Pushed a bulge of some 50 miles into Allied line (75 miles across) c. Slowed Allied advance by 6 weeks; Russians entered Germany from the east d. 77,000 Allied casualties, 100,000 German e. By late Jan, the bulge had been wiped out f. But, before invading, one more conference 8. Yalta Conference (Crimea) to plan for post-war Europe a. Feb. 4-11, 1945 b. Ensured that Soviets would stay in war vs. Japan c. Planned another world organization (United Nations) 9. Fall of Germany (1945) a. Hitler still believed he could win! b. March 6 bridge at Ramagen (Rhine) captured c. Took Ruhr Valley (heavy industry), dropped 245,000 tons of bombs on German cities (saturation bombing) d. Before victory complete, FDR died in Warm Springs, GA on April 12, 1945 e. April 16 Red Army launched massive attack on Berlin f. April 25 US and USSR armies met at the Elbe g. April 28 Mussolini captured with his mistress h. April 30 Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide i. May 2 Berlin fell to Soviets j. May 7 Karl Doenitz (U-boat commander), Hitlers successor, surrendered to U.S. k. May 8 repeated with all Allied reps present (V-E Day) B. After defeating the Nazis, the Japanese still had to be defeated Research Papers on Facts About WW2Appeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Assess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeQuebec and CanadaGenetic Engineering19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraDefinition of Export QuotasMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductTwilight of the UAWWhere Wild and West MeetHip-Hop is Art

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Symbols And Imagery

In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare brilliantly uses the night as a motif which plays a valuable role in the play. He combines this motif with the related symbols of the play to demonstrate the power of night and its correlation with love and vision. He uses symbolism and imagery to develop the motif and makes extensive use of the night forest which, in part, helps the situation of the four young lovers, one of the main plots of the play. It might seem strange that Shakespeare would choose a forest at night as the main setting for a comedy; the dark forest serves as the center of the play’s world, ousting Athens, a city that was regarded as the center of ancient Greek civilization. The darkness of the night is intensified in the forest; the dark is intense enough for the characters to fear being alone. Helena cries out to Demetrius not to abandon her â€Å"darkling†, or in the dark (Act II, Scene 2, 85). When Lysander abandons Hermia, she is convinced that being alone in the dark could lead her to death: Speak, of all loves; I swoon almost with fear. No? Then I will perceive you are not nigh. Either death or you I’ll find immediately. (Act II, Scene 2, 153-155) The night symbolizes darkness and a state of blindness. It symbolizes mischief and madness, fairies and magic. The night forest provides a setting for dangerous and daring acts such as Hermia and Lysander’s plan to escape Athens. The lovers plan to execute their plan and meet at â€Å"deep midnight† (Act I, Scene 1, 223). The moon, which has been said all throughout the play to affect human behavior, is the only source of light at night which allows the lovers the see each other. Shakespeare associates the moon with love. In the opening scene of the play, Theseus is anxious to get married to Hippolyta. He complains â€Å"four happy days bring in/ Another moon: but O, methinks how slow/ This old moon wanes! She lingers my desires/ Like to a step-dame† (A... Free Essays on Symbols And Imagery Free Essays on Symbols And Imagery In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare brilliantly uses the night as a motif which plays a valuable role in the play. He combines this motif with the related symbols of the play to demonstrate the power of night and its correlation with love and vision. He uses symbolism and imagery to develop the motif and makes extensive use of the night forest which, in part, helps the situation of the four young lovers, one of the main plots of the play. It might seem strange that Shakespeare would choose a forest at night as the main setting for a comedy; the dark forest serves as the center of the play’s world, ousting Athens, a city that was regarded as the center of ancient Greek civilization. The darkness of the night is intensified in the forest; the dark is intense enough for the characters to fear being alone. Helena cries out to Demetrius not to abandon her â€Å"darkling†, or in the dark (Act II, Scene 2, 85). When Lysander abandons Hermia, she is convinced that being alone in the dark could lead her to death: Speak, of all loves; I swoon almost with fear. No? Then I will perceive you are not nigh. Either death or you I’ll find immediately. (Act II, Scene 2, 153-155) The night symbolizes darkness and a state of blindness. It symbolizes mischief and madness, fairies and magic. The night forest provides a setting for dangerous and daring acts such as Hermia and Lysander’s plan to escape Athens. The lovers plan to execute their plan and meet at â€Å"deep midnight† (Act I, Scene 1, 223). The moon, which has been said all throughout the play to affect human behavior, is the only source of light at night which allows the lovers the see each other. Shakespeare associates the moon with love. In the opening scene of the play, Theseus is anxious to get married to Hippolyta. He complains â€Å"four happy days bring in/ Another moon: but O, methinks how slow/ This old moon wanes! She lingers my desires/ Like to a step-dame† (A...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Promotional Strategy For The New Water Based Theme Park In Darling Harbor

Promotional Strategy For The New Water Based Theme Park In Darling Harbor Introduction and description of the enterprise Darling harbour is one of the recreational sites in Sydney, Australia. There are numerous entertainment and recreations sites at the centre. The main attractions of the harbour are Chinese’s Friendship Garden, Cockle Bay Wharf, IMAX Theatre, aquariums, exhibition centre, shopping centres and museum. The Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA) has established an ultra modern water based theme park.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Promotional Strategy For The New Water Based Theme Park In Darling Harbor specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The park will offer entertainment for adults, teenagers and children. The main attraction for the theme parks will be water rides, travelling shows, great sceneries, food services, roll coasters; train rides fireworks, acrobatics, casinos and other forms of amusements. The theme park is about to open and there is need to carry out a successful promotional campaign so as to attract tourists in Austria as well as from other parts of the world. This paper outlines the promotional strategies for the theme park. Theme park mission statement The mission statement for this theme park is â€Å"to provide high quality amusement, fun and entertainment to all our esteemed customers in Australia and the world in general† Theme park core values The main core values of the water world theme park are; Customer focus: all products and services will focus on customers and satisfy their need. The theme park will provide High quality services and products. Good corporate culture: the theme park promotes teamwork among all stakeholders and employees satisfaction Safety and enthusiasm: the employees will ensure that the rides and other activities are safe. The ground will also be secured to ensure that there are no loss of property Compassion and honesty Theme park objectives To provide high quality services and amuseme nt to the local and international tourists To be a major tourist attraction in Australia To earn profits and gain at least 20% of the target market The promotional campaigns will promote the values, objectives and mission of the theme park (Aaker, 1998). All the promotional messages will be formulated so as to transmit the core values and mission of the park. Target market analysis and segmentation The main customers for the theme park will be from the local and the international community. In order to identify the target market, the main customers were identified and segmented appropriately (Cateora, Gilly Graham, 2010). The main segmentation was based on:Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nationality Age Income Age: This is the most important classification. Based on age, the market can be subdivided into, children, teenagers, adults and elderly. The promotion al messages will be formulated so as to target the different groups. For the children, the promotion messages will be formulated so as to enlighten the parent as they are the decision makers and also the financiers. The theme park will be marketed as the best destination for kids to have fun and as well as their parents. Nationality: Based on this segmentation, there are two main types of customers; the local tourists who come from Australia and the international tourists who arrive from other countries. The two target markets have different cultures, language, norms, values and other characteristics and the promotion messages must be formulated so as to target them differently. Income: The theme park market will also be segmented based on income. The accommodation, rides, shops will be arranged so as to target different customers. For example, the hotel suites will be marketed such that there are luxurious suits for high income earners and the middle class suites for low income ear ners. Both international and local customers can be segmented as high, medium and low income earners. Competitor analysis The water based theme park has many competitors located in Australia and internationally. A competitor’s analysis was carried out and it involved competitor identification, laying out the main objectives of the competitors, determining their competitive advantages and outlining their promotional strategies (Tellis, 1998). Competitor identification: There are other theme parks in the same area as well as other businesses operating in the same region which offer similar services. These include: DreamWorld, Luna Park, Adventure World, White Water World, Sea World Gold Coast, Wanner Bro Movie World and Mack Water Coaster Track. These parks offer services that are closely related to the water based theme park be opened. Competitor objectives: Sydney Australia is one of the most competitive markets. The many competitors in the tourism business and their main obj ectives are: to maximize on their profits, increases their share in the market, to attract more customers and to develop new innovative amusement for the whole family.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Promotional Strategy For The New Water Based Theme Park In Darling Harbor specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Promotional methods: most of the competitors in this market use print media, televisions, and advertisements in their websites as the primary promotional methods. A Strength Weakness, Opportunities and Threat analysis was carried out so as to evaluate the competitive advantages of the competitors. These were compared with the water based theme park being marketed (Pickton Broderick, 2005). The resulting SWOT analysis matrix is shown in the table 1 below COMPANY STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Luna park Has amusements for the whole family Well established Has been in the business for a long period Has been used severally to film movies Very many rides such as tango train, wild mouse, flying saucer, spider among others (Luna Park 2013). The park has been closing and reopening very many times due to accidents (ghost train fire which killed 7 people ) , The park has also been closed by government due to safety issues There are pollution complains Mostly marketed as a kids destination Large Australian market Growing need for whole family amusement Possibility of another movie be filmed there Competition from other theme parks Government regulations Safety issues Environmental pollution concerns Water park Gold coast Over 15 years experience Good marketing strategies Good location(next to waner bros) Attracts both kids and grown ups Very many amusements and services such as surf rider, mammoth falls, Black hole, kamikaze among others (Water Park Gold Coast, 2013) Not many tourist attractions other than rides. tourist queue waiting for amusements Dirty facilities large Australian market Large foreign market Other competitors Safety issues New water based theme park Adequate facilities Safety and security are guaranteed The park will attract all age groups Quality services at affordable costs Other entertainment such as casinos, food, guest rooms and exhibition centre The marketing and promotional strategy will be unique. Lack of experience The park is new and not widely known There is a large local market The new services and equipment will attract many fans There is a large international market The already existing theme parks pose significant challenge to the new firm. Threat of other new theme parks be developed Identification of the competitive advantages From the SWOT analysis carried out, the main competitive advantages of the new water based theme park being established are: Safety and security: In the past, theme parks have bee faced with issues of security and lack of safety. The new theme park will position itself as having very safe and secu re amusement services. Quality: The qualities of the equipments at all the current theme park are old and dirty. The new theme park on the other hand has new equipments which are in line with modern theme parks. Wholesome entertainment: Most of the theme packs either target children or adults. The current water based theme park will target tourists from the entire divide. In addition, the theme park will have guest’s room, shops, food, casinos so as to attract more tourists. Market leader in pricing: In the short run, the park will offer services at a discounted rate so as to attract customers. The park will also strive to be a market leader in pricing and will charge lowest for their quality services (Ries Trout, 2000).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Selections and Description of the Promotional Strategy There are different promotional strategies that can be used to market the new theme. The promotional strategy selected was based on the following factors (Kotler, 2003): Ability to reach the target market Visibility of the message Cost of the promotional strategy The target audience The main methods that will be used to promote the park are: Advertising: Advertisement creates awareness among local and foreign companies. Various advertisement messages will be prepared and sent through the different channels of communication. Sales promotions: Various sales promotions strategies will be used to market the new theme park (Kotler et al., 1998). These include: Free services: In order to penetrate the market, the park will offer free rides for everyone who has booked the tickets. All children who have booked tickets will be entitled to extra rides and this will motivate their parents to pay for them. This will be done for the first four months. Discounts: Frequent customers will be given a 20% discount so as to motivate them to keep coming. Any customer who comes to the park more than two times will be awarded this discount (Bowen Chen, 2001). Offering gifts: The visitors of the theme park will participate in a lottery so that they can win various prices such as free shirts, free rides, free accommodation for the family and other amusements. Public relations activities Public relation is one of the most important methods of linking the park with the community. In the recent past, most theme parks have been criticised as being dirty and causing pollution (Kotler Nancy, 2005). In line with this, the new theme park will participate in community clean up activities; carry out campaigns on pollution prevention and environmental protection (Stammerjohan et al., 2005). Communication Mix For this promotion, integrated marketing communication will be used. Traditional methods of marketing have been criticized as not be able to measure the impacts that the promotion strategies have (Kaser, 2012). Due to the large promotional information reaching the customers, it is necessary to use the right channels and also measure the impacts of the communication strategy (Pickton Broderick 2005). The main communication channels for all sales promotions and advertising strategies are outlined below: Use of magazines: Magazines promoting tourism will be used to market the new theme parks. These magazines are usually read by many tourists where they get the information about the new theme park (Belch Belch, 2011). Use of mass media: The new theme park will be marketed on the national television and this has the ability to reach million of viewers. The problem with this method is that it is hard to determine whether the message have impacts on customers. Use of social media: Social media sites such as face book and twitter will be used to advertise the new theme park. Most of the teenagers and middle aged peo ple mostly use the social media sites and this is an appropriate media to target this group. The use of this media will also allow the park to get feedback information about their services. Evaluation method For the marketing strategies to be effective, it is imperative that they are evaluated to ensure that they reach the target market and also achieve the marketing objectives of the park (Peter Olson, 1998). The main evaluation strategies used are tabulated below: PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY EVALUATION METHODS Use of magazines The magazine will have a hotline telephone number where customers will be promoted to call so as to receive more information. This number will be specific to the magazine users. Based on the number of calls, the effectiveness of the promotional channel can be evaluated. The number of customers attending the park An increase in the number of tickets be sold Use of the television The performance of this promotional channel will be based on the number of calls to a specific telephone number and number of tickets being sold. Most of the sales promotion offers will be done through television and social media. Customers visiting the park will also be asked to indicate where they got information about the theme park from. Based on their response, the most popular communication channel will be identified The increase in the number of tickets sold Social media The social media sites customers will be asked to give a feedback by pressing the button â€Å"Like† on face book or twitter. The number of clicks will be used to evaluate the success of this communication method. References Aaker, D. 1998, Developing Business Strategies, 5th edition, Wiley, New York. Bowen. J. Chen. S. L 2001, â€Å"The relationship between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction†, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol.13 no.5, pp. 213-217. Belch, G. Belch, M. 2011, Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing  Communications Perspective, McGraw-Hill/Irwin. New York. Cateora, P., Gilly, M., Graham, J. 2010, International Marketing, McGraw- Hill/Irwin, New York. Kaser, K. 2012, Advertising and Sales Promotion, South-Western College Publishing. Australia. Kotler, P. Nancy, L. 2005, corporate social responsibility: doing the most good for your  company and your cause, John Wiley and Sons, Washington. Kotler, P. 2003, Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to  Know, Wiley, New York. Kotler, P., Bowen, J., Makens, J. 1998, Marketing for hospitality and tourism , Prentice Hall, London, UK. Luna Park 2013, Luna park website. Web. Peter, J. P. Olson, J. C. 1998, Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy, McGraw- Hill, Boston. Pickton, D. Broderick, A. 2005, Integrated Marketing Communications, Prentice Hall, London, UK. Ries, A. Trout, J. 2000, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind: How to Be Seen and  Heard in the Overcrowded Marketplace, McGraw hill, New York . Stammerjohan, C., Wood, C., Chang, Y., Thorson, E. 2005, an empirical investigation of the interaction between publicity, advertising, and previous brand attitudes and knowledge. Journal of Advertising, 34 (4), 55–6. Tellis, J. 1998, Advertising and Sales Promotion Strategy, Addison- Wesley, Sydney, Australia. Water Park Gold Coast 2013, Water Park Gold Coast Website. Web.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The giver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The giver - Essay Example In this utopian society, everyone looks the same and this has eliminated any form of competition in the society. The society has also eliminated individual choices from the members of the society, and people are given jobs according to their ability. Spouses are also assigned to the members of the society, and two children are assigned to each family. Jonas, the main character in the story on reaching 12 years is selected to occupy the position of the ‘Receiver of Memory.’ This position entails holding all the memories of the time before the sameness was achieved. Jonas upon receiving the memories also receives the gift of knowledge. This causes him to realize the actual situation that the world he is in-he begins to realize that the situation is dystopian as opposed to utopian. He is faced with the option of either running away or staying in a society devoid of any emotions, choices, or knowledge. What initially seemed like a perfect society is revealed to be a restrict ive society in which freedom is taken away from the people. The conversations in the story revolve around the question of individual freedom, and the effect that the withdrawal of freedom has on the society. The text shows how the intent to construct a utopian society can lead to a dystopian one that does not withhold the principles of utopia. Individual freedom is taken away from when the child is born. ... But even those who came up with the idea of sameness knew that they would be forced to refer to the time before the conformity, and as a result, all the memories of life before sameness have been stored. While equality is one of the ideals that are pursued by a utopian society, Lowry’s work shows the effects of such a pursuit, and how that equality and sameness is achieved in the society. The world that has initially seemed inviting is then revealed for what it truly is. Any form of resistance to the system causes the individual to be eliminated (referred in the book as being released) from the society. The book seeks to warn of the concept of utopia through the way that the society treats the concepts of freedom and memory. The collective memories of the society have been suppressed to enable state control. The suppression of memory has been seen to be an effective tool for control. The regaining of the collective or even the individual memory leads to the potential for rebel lion. Without their memories and without access to the collective memories, the citizens in their sameness are convinced that the utopian society that has been created for them is the ideal society for them to exist in. A utopian society is a highly ordered society. There is no deviation from the routine that has been set for the people. In the book for example, there is a set time for the families to have breakfast and during the meal, there is a compulsory sharing of dreams and in the evening during supper, there is a compulsory expression of feelings that is supposedly for the purposes of avoiding the buildup of any form of emotion. The ideals of a utopian state are for every member of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Kentuckys Educational System; Argument by Definition, Evaluation, and Essay

Kentuckys Educational System; Argument by Definition, Evaluation, and Proposal - Essay Example This essay declares that education in Kentucky encompasses elementary school such as kindergarten to fifth grade, middle school also called junior high that starts from sixth grade to eighth grade, and high school starting from ninth to twelfth grade. The system also includes post secondary institutions. Many Kentucky colleges and schools have an accreditation of various Associations of Colleges and Schools in the region. However, Kentucky education suffers from a common negative stigma like other Southern states. This paper makes a conclusion that the system emphasizes on various levels where capacity building takes place. The initial focus is that of having individual officers, precisely from government management and planning teams are participating in remodeling the system. Also, organizational goals revolve around improving the overall effectiveness of the methods and incentivizing better teamwork in education. The other level includes that of developing public service reforms to have a fundamental national leadership while adapting to the respective administration circumstances. Lastly, the levels of external assistance from international and bilateral agencies need to have a long-term consideration leading into a critical transfer for skills, precisely within the fragile state of Kentucky. The development strategy can be prepared together with international education organizations focusing on the development of capacity across areas of quality and equity, leadership, organization, insti tutions, and knowledge generation.

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 65

No topic - Essay Example Again Susan urgently needs to acquire the property to expand the university. The best alternative (BATNA) that he has is to sell it to the property to the private developer. His reserved price (RP) is approximately $19.7 million. This figure is arrived at by considering the cost of rebuilding property with same features, in the same location. Susan is mainly interested in acquiring a property to expand the university. As such, the property that Fr. John is selling is appropriate for the expansion due to its vicinity. Her main source of power is that she is aware that Fr. John is selling the property and that the school is suffering financial predicaments. Her best alternative would be to build her own premises should Fr. John sell the premises at the price equal to putting a new structure. Her recommended price is below $19.7 million as the amount would be enough to put up a new structure with similar features. Her target would basically to acquire the property at a lower price than that of putting a new

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Smart classroom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Smart classroom - Essay Example Therefore, this paper aims to take a critical view of the use of smart classrooms, and its effect on the teaching/learning process, highlighting both its challenges, and the possible means to address these. In order to provide a more coherent discussion of the topic of smart classrooms, the study has a six structure, aimed to fostering better understanding of the topic. Therefore, the first part analyses the issue of smart classrooms from the teachers’ perspective, while looking into the benefits brought about by smart classrooms, especially by augmenting collaboration between students throughout the process of learning. The second part of the paper analyses the composing elements of smart classrooms. Furthermore, the possible challenges that are likely to occur while trying to implement smart classrooms are discussed under the final part of the present paper. Before entering deeper into the field of modern education, and the issue of whether smart classrooms have changed the understanding of traditional education, we will first proceed with explaining what smart classrooms actually are. According to Huang, Hu, Yang and Xiao (2012) smart classrooms are a sort of advanced technology which is designed to improve the learning experience and the classroom environment, enhancing both the learning and the teaching process simultaneously, by means of the newly introduced learning technology. This technology, as further explained by Huang, Hu, Yang and Xiao (2012), consists of PCs, various programmes, materials, innovative listening gadgets, and audio-visual devices or networks. Following the same direction, other researchers (e.g. Di, Gang and Juhong, 2008) point to the importance that the newly introduced technology acquire, to such an extent that they have turned into a vital device; a tool that plays an effective role in transferring and exch anging information within the IT governed environment. An important aspect that is

Effectiveness and Extent of the Convergence between Public and Private Research Paper

Effectiveness and Extent of the Convergence between Public and Private Security over the Next Decade - Research Paper Example es helping private firms and individuals to identify crime and other insecurity problems and report them to the government officials for law enforcement. Private security officers offer private risk management consultancies, implement security approaches to protect private property against theft and fire, and also investigate frauds in private companies. There are various private security companies which carry out those security functions mentioned above. The public and private securities have recently been seen to converge as they help each other to combat insecurity issues in the society. The success of community security can be achieved through partnership building between the private and public security. Convergence of private and public security enhances identification of opportunities for collaboration in the security sector in order to encourage innovation in problem-solving and decision making; hence making it easier for security personnel to deal with security issues and meet the needs of the society in terms of security. Collaboration between private and public security opens doors for effective problem-solving through technology and innovation. This convergence between the public and private security also enhances advanced community policing and achievement of mutual goals in the private and public sector. Therefore, the convergence between the public and private security is expected to expand and become effective over the next decade due to its benefits to the society. The convergence between private and public and private security is a contemporary issue in security studies which has become common in many countries worldwide. The convergence between private and public security refers to the collaboration and partnership building between the public and private security personnel. It involves bringing together the activities of private and public security personnel in order to encourage innovation and technological advancement in the security sector.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Smart classroom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Smart classroom - Essay Example Therefore, this paper aims to take a critical view of the use of smart classrooms, and its effect on the teaching/learning process, highlighting both its challenges, and the possible means to address these. In order to provide a more coherent discussion of the topic of smart classrooms, the study has a six structure, aimed to fostering better understanding of the topic. Therefore, the first part analyses the issue of smart classrooms from the teachers’ perspective, while looking into the benefits brought about by smart classrooms, especially by augmenting collaboration between students throughout the process of learning. The second part of the paper analyses the composing elements of smart classrooms. Furthermore, the possible challenges that are likely to occur while trying to implement smart classrooms are discussed under the final part of the present paper. Before entering deeper into the field of modern education, and the issue of whether smart classrooms have changed the understanding of traditional education, we will first proceed with explaining what smart classrooms actually are. According to Huang, Hu, Yang and Xiao (2012) smart classrooms are a sort of advanced technology which is designed to improve the learning experience and the classroom environment, enhancing both the learning and the teaching process simultaneously, by means of the newly introduced learning technology. This technology, as further explained by Huang, Hu, Yang and Xiao (2012), consists of PCs, various programmes, materials, innovative listening gadgets, and audio-visual devices or networks. Following the same direction, other researchers (e.g. Di, Gang and Juhong, 2008) point to the importance that the newly introduced technology acquire, to such an extent that they have turned into a vital device; a tool that plays an effective role in transferring and exch anging information within the IT governed environment. An important aspect that is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Greenville Jenkins Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Greenville Jenkins - Essay Example In the Marshalls case, Grenville Jenkins is discriminated against as the member of the Sustainability team because he ought to rectify where he sees excessive spending by the company officials. This is supposed to help in the cost cutting measures of the company. Instead of listening and acting to his claims, the top management ignores him which makes him feel discriminated against. The board of the directors dismisses his allegations instead of seeing into his case by finding relevant measures to counter what he says. Jenkins is frustrated because the law on discrimination of employees does not apply in this case. If were operational, someone could have listened to his allegations and at least put some efforts in rectifying the excesses in the company. As a sustainability member in the company, Jenkins has the right authority to comment about such cases as those of extravagance (EEOC 2009, 1). Maureen Gibson Maureen Gibson, who is the sales representative, is acting against the conf ines of the company regulations. She has turned the working place to a Christian conversion center and does not heed to the instruction. She wears a crucifix on the uniform which against the rules of the company. Even if the law of discrimination suggests that no employ need to be discriminated against her beliefs, Maureen is abusing the opportunity she has been given to the company. When she is warned not t use the company as a preaching ground, she threatens to take legal action, which is an, overreaction. She is supposed to be answerable because of breaking the policies set to enhance equality in the company because she is a distraction to the employees in the company by preaching to them at the wrong place and time (EEOC 2009, 1). The company policy that denies wearing of jewelry on the uniform will counter the case she wants to file for the company. She is defiant and misuses the freedom in the company. She has been performing non business activities in the company premise by m aking the employees uncomfortable. This is against the rules of the company which she chose not to respect. When Maureen is approached by the line manager, she says that she is being denied her rights but, in actual sense she is working out her rights in the wrong place. She is supposed to hearken unto the rules stipulated by the company before taking a step to sue the company. No one is against her work but, the line manager is against her evangelism which affects the comfort of the other workers. The law should also be used to address the case in which the line manager was told about the Maureen’s behavior but ignored. The law should be used to sensitize the company managers and board of directors about the consequence of discrimination (EEOC 2009, 1). Gary Gary who is the primary career of his disabled son needs to be allowed to have flexible working arrangement because he needs to attend to his son needs. Denying Gary that opportunity is as well as discriminating against physical disability. This should be termed as open discrimination be cause the company is in a position to organize a flexible arrangement for Gary to be of use to his disabled son. The company representatives are answerable to the law on discrimination in the company where there is a need to respond to the requests of the company. The company top management who are in the jurisdiction of planning favorable moments for Gary to work

Practical Play Analysis Essay Example for Free

Practical Play Analysis Essay Theme/Vision Guan Hanqing’s Snow in Midsummer centers on the idea of social injustice and human suffering particularly the unfair treatment of poor people during the Chinese Golden Era.   The play must transcend a great sense of oppression as intended by its playwrights to reflect the dark side of the society they were in, as the main character (Dou E) leaves a horrifying curse as her unjust death served as a living proof of how under-class people like her are taken for granted and are short-lived despite living a virtuous life while the evil ones prevailed. This issue still continues in the modern world so it is important that the story lives up to its purpose of making the audience reflect on the existence of tyranny in the society and what should be done in order to put an end to it.   Every main character’s role should be well emphasized in order to make the message of the story more understandable.   The characters must be very much convincing to the extent that they are almost taking the audience back to Yuan Dynasty. An article made by Huo Jianyi, Yuan Dynasty Zaju, tells about how Guan Hanqing himself gave up his profession of being a doctor and chose to serve the public by writing plays that exposed the dark side of the society, particularly the indulgence in wine and women as a way of life especially for the Yuan rulers.   He and his fellow playwrights used their talents and knowledge in exposing tyranny and through their theatrical creations, spoke on behalf of the suffering masses despite the Yuan rulers forbidding it.   The success of this play will be achieved if the same fiery passion is justified by the characters. Stage Type and Settings The play is artistic therefore it would be ideal to use a proscenium or picture frame stage.   It is not necessary to use a traditional proscenium stage with its common features like a large archway near the stage front or a curtain in order to close it during act or scene breaks.   It is enough that the stage is raised several feet enough for the audience to see the view of the play while directly facing it (â€Å"Stage:† Wikipedia). As the Snow in Midsummer is a classic play based on a Han Dynasty folk tale (although popularized in the Yuan Dynasty), the prevailing theme should be based on the said period.   The backdrop must contain both unique and artistic images depicting a usual old Chinese scenario like that of a painting.   Images of courtyard houses should be used.   These residences would represent the different social status that coexisted in that period. Based on Spiro Kostof’s A History of Architecture, traditional Chinese courtyard houses (such as the siheyuan) is composed of several individual houses around a square, where each house is owned by a different member of the family.   Aside from this, more houses can also be constructed for additional family members that need to be accommodated. There must be a strong sense of tranquility and privacy which should prevail and be maintained despite strong and loud scenes in the play. Garden and water is also a usual feature with these residences.   The outermost part of these residences is where strangers are entertained while the innermost one is set apart for intimate friends and family members of the owner. Since the title of the play contains the word snow, then winter is another requirement for the play, in fact for almost the entirety of the play.   This should allow an atmosphere of gloominess to dominate the stage, making the literal coldness of winter almost felt and intensified by the cold hearts of the villains in the play.   The snow plays a critical part in this and it should fall dramatically on stage with the proper sad music background going with it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Last but not the least, there must be flowers included.   They should either be illustrated in the backdrop as part of the stage props.   Flowers have been a great part of Chinese art just like the dragon and bird illustrations they use in their antique porcelains.   As a whole, the entire stage must become a big canvass of living Chinese art. Stage Directions   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The director is responsible for bringing out the good quality of the characters’ acting and the stage production.   Therefore he must be focused and fully aware of the background of the play so as to properly angle it. Directions are made up of details being heard and seen by the audience.   These should be explained well in the script so as not to confuse the director, the actors or even the designers.   The three kinds of stage directions must be considered, namely:   (1) scene directions, (2) staging directions, and (3) character stage directions. In the script, scene directions are indented at a measurement of 3.5 inches from the left side of the margin and 1 inch from the right.   This indicates the fundamental place and time of the scene with details of the events on stage as the lights come up or become dim (â€Å"How to Format a Stage Play†).   Let us take scene one, act one of the play Snow in Midsummer as indicated in the script:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   SCENE ONE (The period was between 1279-1368 A.D.   In a typical Chinese village lives MISTRESS CAI, a widow, who appears on stage with a sign of great anticipation on her face.   She paces at the center of the stage in her long, loose gown with wide sleeves and narrow cuffs.   Then she faces the audience with the same facial expression.) Second is the staging directions.   This contains the description of a certain scene such as the entrance, exit, and struggles of characters on stage, as well as the changes in lighting effects or musical background. MRS. CAI: Where? (The Doctor strangles the widow with the rope. Enter Old Zhang and his son Donkey. As they rush forward the Doctor takes to his heels. Old Zhang revives Mistress Cai.) DONKEY: Its an old woman, dad, nearly strangled to death. Last would be the character stage directions.   These are short descriptive lines in parenthetical form sometimes placed under the name of the character.   This shows the appropriate body language while delivering a certain line (â€Å"How to Format a Stage Play†).   This particular direction puts more identity on acting.   Here is another example. MRS. CAI (crying): Ah, poor child! How am I going to break this to you? Make up The characters’ makeup for the Snow in Midsummer need not look like that from a Chinese opera although it may be elaborated to reflect its rich culture.   It must enhance their acting and facial expression.   A kabuki effect is suggested if the production team would like to add a little animation to it and lessening its tragic base. Dou E and Mistress Cai’s makeup may use thick foundation with a rosy base to show femininity.   However the application must be heavier on Mistress Cai to distinguish her age along with some fake wrinkles.   The eyebrows must be enhanced with a thick black color while the lips are pouty and deep red. As for the elder male actors (Doctor Lu, Dou Tianzhang, and Old Chang), a yellow base makeup can be used contrasted with a thick pink blush on.   The eyebrows may also be enhanced however for the male antagonist (Donkey Chang), eye brows should be enhanced with an upward effect at both ends.   Once again the appearance of wrinkles should distinguish ages. Basic Pointers for applying stage makeup According to Kate Hillard on her article Application of Stage Makeup, makeup is often applied on thick layers. Unlike the movies where the camera can focus on the actor’s face, audiences cannot afford to this kind of facility on stage plays.   The makeup used for the Snow in Midsummer should be elaborate and bright especially with characters representing the high-class society.   There may also be gradual moderation of the makeup for the middle and lower class members but the artist must make sure that it is enough in maximizing the actor’s emotions on stage.   Sometimes even the dark layers of makeup disappear on the glaring lights. A thick, heavy cream foundation should be applied first which be a little bit darker than the skin tone.   The placing of foundation should be started on the forehead and blended well up to the hairline after which the remaining of the face is covered together with the ears, eyelids, and neck as if this is the actors’ true complexion.   The neck application should also be blended well so as not to create a mask-like appearance.   When it comes to male actors, foundation is applied on the entire neck and back sometimes but this can appear messy.   Following the general foundation, a lighter color is placed over the shadows under the nose and on the chin. When the foundation is done, the blush would follow.   A rosy color is used for the female actresses but this should be applied on a lesser degree with male actors.   It is spread over the cheekbone and about halfway down the cheek mixing it with a down and up motion.   A naturally rosy tone is needed for male actors while it should be darker for the females enough to maintain its visibility on stage especially under the hot lights.   Blush must also be placed over the nose and forehead where it is very slightly blended. The most difficult part would be the eye makeup.   A very white â€Å"highlighter† is first placed along the brow bone (right underneath the eyebrow) and under the eye.   The makeup artist should make sure to give the surrounding eye areas a lightened appearance without leaving white smears.   Following this, an eye makeup should be placed just above the eyelid, below the brow bone, and also beneath the eye which should be a little darker than skin tone.   This should be topped with an even darker color along the eyelid top through a downward blending which can also be used as an eyeliner especially with male actors. For women, an even darker and rosier tone that gives the appearance of a natural eye shadow should be placed over.   It should however be more recognizable on stage and should be placed a little above the eyebrow.   A less rosy color is recommended for male actors though not required.   Furthermore, a dark brown or similar-colored eye lining is placed.   Black color is to be used for dramatic roles that need wild makeup. Lastly, mascara is placed on top of the lashes.   In order to avoid or lessen the errors of putting mascaras, it is suggested to make the actor blink after putting the wand on his/her lashes. Following the eye makeup is the simpler part of putting on the lipstick.   A color that is a little darker than the usual lip color is used for male actors and should be matched with a lip liner.   Either can go first depending on the actor’s or makeup artist’s preference.   The liner should be placed on the outside of the lips and not on the natural line otherwise this will obviously look fake.   It can also be applied all over the lips to make it last better and longer.   A dark lipstick should be applied enough to be seen from the stage even if it looks like a Halloween makeup up close.   It goes otherwise with male actors who should slightly be more natural even on stage. Last but not the least would be the loose powder.   Before it is applied over the face, dip a large brush unto a powder container then shake it to get most of the powder off in order to avoid leaving white smears over the makeup and therefore ruining it.   Loose powder is for holding the actor’s make up even when they are sweating. Costumes Costumes are very important.   They help audiences identify and understand the actor’s character and social rank as well as his traits and gender.   The style and color would greatly suggest the occasion happening on stage.   Colorful clothes and elaborate makeup may bring more life to Snow in Midsummer as this pertains to rich Chinese culture. The main character, Dou E, may use the traditional Ruqun which is used by ordinary women during the Yuan Dynasty.   This is made up of an upper jacket and lower skirt.   The jacket is made of a red marten or sheepskin garment with loose sleeves and gray collars and cuffs.   This is tucked below a maroon skirt with a gray sash accent to maintain its simplicity. The same type of robe costume may be used by the widow, Mistress Cai as they do not necessarily belong with the Mongolian Aristocrats who wore cur coats and fur caps.   Their costumes must reflect their lifestyle and their role enough to bring out the emotion from the audience, however they should not look like paupers but more like average Chinese people however obviously struggling to maintain their dignity.   However, after her execution, Dou E’s costume must change to loose, ghostly white robe with its light fabric.   The red smear of blood from the execution must appear on the cloth as well. The male actors may use the Yiseyi or Zhisunfu garments where upper and lower short garments were put together while adding folds to the waistline.   Furthermore, big beads were hung on shoulders and the back.   The garments can either be course or of fine quality depending on the social rank the actor is representing (â€Å"Costume in the Yuan Dynasty†).   Donkey Chang and Old Chang may use costumes may use colors that shows a status that is more advantages compared to Dou E and Mistress Cai, however not as luxurious as an upper aristocrat.   Donkey Chang’s costume must be provoking and reflective of his selfish being. Of course the apparent hairdo must not be forgotten.   For male actors, it should be the traditional snail-head, seated Buddha feature.   As for females actors (Dou E and Mistress Cai), the hair must be long with the upper portion tied and placed with some simple white floral accents.   Mrs. Cai’s hair must be all brushed up however with a bulky onion bulb appearance. Lighting This is perhaps the counterpart of camera trick.   One of the things that make stage plays breath-taking is the lighting effect.   In fact thanks to modern-day stage lighting, audiences now are able to afford richer visibility of the entire play, thus connecting more with the intense emotions of the actors. A careful outline of Bill William’s Stage Lighting Design shows four important objectives of stage lighting: (1) Visibility, which helps the audience understand the play.   It is influenced by contrast, size, color and movement. (2) Naturalism (and Motivation), where a sense of time and place is indicated. (3) Composition, the overall image of the stage.   Lighting must reveal actors, objects and scenery depending on their importance. (4) Mood (and Atmosphere), which is the psychological reaction of the audience is influenced by lighting effects that gives the stage a sense of happiness, sadness or even boredom. Dou E’s execution would be a perfect example where lighting is â€Å"highlighted† as this scene indicates a transition from a normal way of life to a cursed one.   In this case, the lighting effects must create a great sense of grief , heaviness, and fear among the audience. Casting   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A play cannot be a play without the cast.   As the front liners of the production, they are mainly responsible for leaving an impression for the play since they are the ones who have direct contact with the audiences.   Casts are like the main course of a meal.   Prof. Audrey Stanley from the University of California at Santa Cruz presents at least eight points to consider when casting a play: (1) Interpretation of character type and function; (2) Type-casting; (3) Casting against type; (4) Cross-gender casting; (5) Gender- or race-neutral casting. (6) Generational relationships and differences between characters (for instance, how old are Lears daughters?); (7) Physical and vocal requirements of different roles; (8) Audience associations and expectations of individual actors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dou E’s character must be portrayed by someone who can show her virtuosity but at the same time must have the ability to transform into a vengeful character.   Her father, Dou Tianzhang, must be played as someone who is old of course but has enough strength to do some laborious works.   Mistress Cai must reflect the same humility as Dou E’s character but of course with a motherly touch.   A trace of burden must be shown on her face from life’s realities as well as how youth has been taken from her.   Donkey Chang need not be good-looking however appropriately dressed.   But his dignified appearance must not conceal his disgusting character. Rehearsals Based on Simon Dunmores Advice on How to Approach Rehearsals for a Play, rehearsing is composed of thought, discussion, and doing.   It is an important part of the play where the whole team gets to figure out what will work or not.   That is why it is important to discipline oneself especially when it comes to the script.   Even before the rehearsals, the actor must read it several times so he/she will get to be familiar with the character that he is playing.   He should carry it one hand somewhere at his side and put emotion to the delivery of the line while looking at the script at a side glance.   He must be patient and must take his time in memorizing his line.   In case of long speeches, they should be delivered with much care and thought as single or short lines for it is usually a case where a certain idea starts and is connected throughout the story of the play. Stage directions on the other hand, must be read as possible pointers only.   If they came from how the play was originally done, take into consideration that the present production might be different with the casts and circumstances being new.   Pause and silence is a kind of stage direction that must also be given proper timing and must have appropriate place in the play just like long and short lines.   Also in case of abbreviations, the intention of the playwright must be observed so the essence of the communication will not be lost. Writing down notes either from the director or from oneself will be helpful in remembering how to delivery one’s line properly.   Notes need not be long.   Directors may not be right all the time with regards to the character role.   His long experience in theater acting may not give him enough knowledge or understanding of a certain character the way an actor does.   Therefore, a careful and rational discussion must always be made between the two.   Set and costume designs are also very important.   They affect the way an actor moves about the stage.   These objects must work harmoniously with the people of the play and not become a hinder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rehearsals do not stop within the rehearsal room.   Proper focus can be achieved with proper practicing though it should not necessarily occupy one’s private time. Rehearsal for Snow in Midsummer Below is a sample table for the Snow in Midsummer’s rehearsal schedule.   It is usually done with six to eight weeks but the production team may change it depending on their needs (Sample Rehearsal Schedule). Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Auditions Auditions Call-Backs Post Castlist First Read-Thru Off Construction Crew Meets Block scenes with leads Block scenes with Full Cast Block scenes with leads Begin Set Construction Block scenes with Full Cast Off Work on Set Construction Work scenes with Full Cast Work scenes with leads Work scenes with leads Work on Set Construction Work scenes with Full Cast Work on Set Construction Hang Lights and Set Construction Work through Act I off book Work through Act II off book Work on trouble spots leads only Finish Hang and Rough Focus Act I Run-thru Work on Set Construction Full Cast Paint and Work Day Act II Run-thru Act I Run-thru Act II Run-thru Work on Set Construction First Full Run-thru Complete Set Construction Final Setup Tech and Lights First Tech Rehearsal with Cast Run-thru Full Tech Run-thru Full Tech Costume check Tech Crew Trouble Shooting Run-thru Full Tech Finishing Touches On Set Work on problem areas Full Dress Rehearsal Full Dress Rehearsal Full Dress Rehearsal Full Dress Rehearsal No Makeup Performance Performance Performance The Vision’s Effects on the Audience   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Snow in Midsummer is a play about tragedy and drama.   However, the whole production team must keep in mind that as the story is based on real struggles of poor people in the past, it might leave a great sense of grievance to the audience.   This is good but only to the extent that it will stimulate their sense of awareness since basically, though the storyline dates back to old times, it is very symbolic of the abuse and tyranny that still exist even in our time.   Therefore, there must be a balance by creating a great sense of hope especially during the scenes where a retrial for Dou E’s case was conducted up to the play’s ending.   The play must establish to the audience that life goes on and there is hope and justice even in the hardest of situations. Steve Campsall wrote in Write a Successful Play that plays must create a lasting appeal to the audience.   Every words delivered by a stage performer should send out both meaning and feeling.   That is why it is important to understand the writer’s intention behind the text he has created.    Common methods such as vivid metaphor, powerful imagery, alliteration, use of rhyme or rhythm, etc, are said to be used often by writers (Write a Successful Play: Effects on the Audience).   Behind the scene interactions will help bring one’s natural acting and transcend the same energy and passion.   The audience must be convinced with everything, from the stage settings to the acting.   Not doing so will be crucial and may create passiveness. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Behind a play’s success could be in anything that is a part of it.   From the director’s vision to the actor’s execution, everyone should make sure that everything works harmoniously so that the flow of the play will be well polished on the grand day itself.   It is both inspiring and fun to see actors on stage behaving like they are not actors but rather they own the stage and they are the characters that they are playing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lastly, behind the inspiring acts, elaborate costumes, and colorful props, the message of the story must be retained.  Ã‚   This is one important part that can be shared with the audience.   The lesson that they can learn from watching a play can help them personally.   Once the audience is touched by a play’s story or vision, he/she can use the message or apply it once he goes back to real life. Work Cited â€Å"Stage.† Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.   5 February 2008.   9 February 2008. Kostof, S. 1995.   A History of Architecture.   The Oxford Press.   8 February 2008.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Jianyi, H. 2003.   Yuan Dynasty Zaju.  Ã‚   8 February 2008.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ â€Å"How to Format a Stage Play.† Script Frenzy Young Writers Program.   2007.   9 February 2008. Hillard, K. 2002.   Application of Stage Make Up.   9 February 2008. â€Å"Costume in the Yuan Dynasty.†   10 February 2008.   10 February 2008. Williams, B. 1997-1999.   Stage Lighting Design.   Objectives of stage lighting.   11 February 2008 Stanley, A. 1995-1996.   Shakespeare Examined through Performance. 11 February 2008 Dunmore, S. 25 August 1999.   Simon Dunmores Advice on How to Approach Rehearsals for a Play.   11 February 2008 Campsall, S.   2008.   Write a Successful Play: Effects on the Audience.   12 February 2008 Sample Rehearsal Schedule.   Tupelo Community Theatre.   13 February 2008.